Thursday, March 8, 2007

Precautions for India

Health Precautions for India

The quality of health services is amongst the best in India in New Delhi which has plenty of good hospitals, 24-hour chemists, highly competent doctors and top of the line medical services. Medicines are fairly cheap in India and chemist shops in Delhi are well stocked but it is always a good idea to take along prescription drugs.

Here are some health precautions for India you should follow if traveling to this country:

  • Don’t drink water from tap or roadside vends. Drink only boiled or bottled water. Also, buy water from respectable and decent looking outlets. Check the seal before buying the water to make sure that it is intact.
  • Never eat cut fruits sold by the roadside vendors. Always eat fruits you can peel. Wash the fruits properly with water well before eating them.
  • It is advisable to keep a mosquito repellent ointment with you always.
  • Always carry a kit of the basic emergency medicines you might need. Especially medicines for upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, etc. Also, keep some band-aids, antiseptic ointments, etc with you.
  • Avoid fountain drinks and ice cubes.
  • Avoid eating food from the roadside vends. If, by chance, you are forced to eat from there, make sure that the food is well cooked and is served hot.
  • Try to avoid spicy dishes, especially in the initial stages of your travel.
  • For the first few days it might be advisable to clean your teeth in bottled water.
  • Avoid eating salads, especially at small restaurants and small hotels.
  • If you are visiting India in summer time, drink lots of water, cover your head with scarves or caps or hats, wear sunglasses and use sunscreen lotion. Try to stay indoors in the afternoon.
  • If you fall very sick, it is better to visit a doctor. However, ask the hotel authorities or the people at whose house you are staying to refer a good doctor to you.
  • Always carry sunscreen with minimum SPF 20 to escape sunburn.

Food Precautions for India

The food you eat, how it's cooked, stored and served is very important. Make it a rule to stick to freshly cooked food, made in clean and hygienic place. Here are some food precautions for India that need to be taken by you:

  • The safest thing to eat is freshly cooked food. Food left sitting may attract flies and cause major health hazards.
  • Always drink only bottled water.
  • Salads and cut fresh fruits should be strictly avoided. Eat only unpeeled fruits.
  • Avoid fresh fruit juice. If you want to have juice, go in for branded ones being sold in tetra packs.
  • If you are a non-vegetarian, buy from decent shops. It is better not to eat from lower end restaurants or station platforms.
  • Beef is not served in many parts of India. Pork is also not easily available.
  • Never ever eat anything from the roadside vendors. There are high chances of the food being contaminated.


Anonymous said...

hey good one!!! keep publishing the good stuff :-)

Anonymous said...

hey good one!!! keep publishing the good stuff :-)

ankurindia said...

really nice tips .. its good work and will help lot of peoples

Anonymous said... helps me a lot to prepare report..