Sunday, February 25, 2007

Diseases and Vaccinations for India’s Travelers:-

Vaccinations for Indian Travel:
Malaria: For Malaria, vaccination is recommended for all areas, except for areas at altitudes more than 2,000 m (6,561 ft).
Hepatitis A: Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for all travelers to India.
Typhoid: All travelers are recommended to take Typhoid vaccination.

Polio: In case of Polio, one-time booster is recommended for any adult traveler who completed the childhood series but never had polio vaccine as an adult.
Yellow Fever: Vaccination for yellow fever is required only for travelers arriving from or transiting through any yellow-fever-infected area like Africa.
Japanese Encephalitis: This vaccine is recommended for travelers staying for more than 1 month and traveling to rural areas or travelers engaging in extensive unprotected outdoor activities in rural areas, especially after dusk.
Hepatitis B: Travelers who may have intimate contact with local residents should take this vaccination, especially if their period of stay is more than 6 months.
Rabies: Any traveler who may have direct contact with animals should take this vaccination.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): If any person born after 1956 has not previously taken this vaccination, he/she should take two doses of the same.
Tetanus-Diphtheria: You need to take this revaccination every 10 years.


Ajil said...

I am Ajil Paul, from Cochin, Kerala

The Information that I got from this message is very useful. I can undrestood some of the diseases and its vaccination.
Thanks 4 the author who makes it and publish it in the net.

my contact details:
+91 9847391733

Anonymous said...

hi tis is shekhar Agarwal
it's really superb.
tat's all i kud say.
u can get abt me at,
hope 2 hear frm u.
have a nice time.

Sujatha said...

gr8 blog...i am a travel journalist...take it from me ;)

Anonymous said...

hi hw r u
this is nice dear
when u have some time to come on net.............
reply me ok

Unknown said...

hi, this is surekha.....your post is really very informative...... got to know lots after reading it....!!!!