Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Do’s & Dont's :-

Remember the following things while traveling India -----

->India is a country with around 70% Hindus, 20% Muslims, 10% Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, etc. You will find people of this evolve in friendly discussions most of the times. You can join them too but make sure you don’t involve in any kind of religion discussions.

->Though India is one of the most rapid developing country but still people of this country believe in their tradition and culture. The better way of greeting people here is “NAMASTE”, two hands together like “A”.

->It is not appropriate for a male so to do hand shake with a lady. So try to refrain yourself from handshake with a lady unless she offer you first. Rule of thumb is if she offer you hand shake first then you proceed else use “NAMESTE”

->If you have a lady companion with you try not to walk alone and specially in the dark.

->Never trust anybody with your money and documents, specially the strangers. However you can trust your hotel people but better options would be you carry your money and documents with you all the time.

->You can enjoy night life in metros but if you are a single lady try to have a companion with you, it will be better for your own safty, as people of this country don’t attracted towards the couple here.

->Try not to wear cloths that might attract the unwanted attentions. Best option would be try to wear the tradition clothing that is suit-salwar or even saree.